What Do You Seek? Is it Love?

What Do You Seek? Is it Love?
Spiritual enlightenment is the awareness that we are love.
What we seek in the external world is a mere reflection of our true nature.
When we know we are love, then love finds its way into our lives.
One of the primary feelings of healing is to first love ourselves unconditionally.
When we find that connection within ourselves, then that feeling of love will spread to other parts of your life.

Five Tips for Juicing Greens

Five Tips for Juicing Greens
Are you brand new to juicing or interested in getting started? 
These 5 tips then should serve you well!
I absolutely love juicing, but learned a lot from trial and error.
I don’t find it to be annoying or time consuming. I actually find it to be fun and therapeutic.
I make time to juice, just like I would anything else in my schedule.
Knowing that I’m creating something healthy and nourishing for my body makes me feel awesome!! 

Am I Really a Hot Mess?

Am I Really a Hot Mess?
Am I really a HOT Mess?
I was talking on the phone with a friend of mine last week. They called me for spiritual advice.
I get those calls from my friends all the time. And I love to help out. Nothing makes me happier. The thing is, in order to give good advice – it requires telling the truth in your own life. A lot of the truth and nothing but the truth. And this isn’t always easy especially when your hiding things you're ashamed of. It’s hard for us to admit when something is wrong or when we need help. Trust me… I get it. I spent many years trying to do everything on my own. I can tell you… It didn’t work. 

Getting Your Mojo Back

Getting Your Mojo Back
Why does this have to be so hard? It takes so much time to build it up, but in seconds, minutes, even days it can be completely gone. And not only that, it effects so many different aspects of our lives. Wherever you’re at in your journey and whatever your journey might be – staying present and being mindful is key.

As I continue to live my own journey one day at a time, I’m grateful for everything that I’ve learned over the years. My spiritual toolbox has become my best friend. 
How can I be more mindful? 
How can I live more present? 
How can I let go of expectations? 
How can I serve others?
How can God help?
How can I see the glass half full instead of half empty? 
Instead of asking – Why me? I’ve learned to ask – What are we going to do about it?
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