6 Tips for Compassion in Recovery
Are you one of those people that’s always showing up and doing things for everyone else, but not taking care of yourself?
Trust me… You’re not alone. It’s easy to get caught up in the daily rat race of life and serving others that we forgot about our own self care. 
This is not safe to do in early sobriety. When we are just getting sober we have to make our sobriety number one. This can't be treated like a part time job. 

I spent so many years always worrying about everyone else that everything in my life started to suffer. The first time I tried to get sober I did the same thing. 
It got to a point I didn’t have anything left to give. The tank was empty!

Actually, I did this multiple times. I didn't make my recovery number one - so it caused me to relapse. I'm not saying everyone will relapse, but there's a good chance you will. 

Sobriety is full time. We are unpacking and peeling back years of trauma, bad behavior, poor choices, etc. that it takes everything we have to stay present and on track. Even with a strong community, it's still our own responsibly to create our healthy boundaries. Healthy boundaries lead to treating ourselves with compassion.

Isn’t so easy to tell everyone else what's wrong with them, but we never want to acknowledge when we might be struggling. I’m over that fear now. If I feel I have nothing to give then I know I haven’t been doing my own personal recovery work. 

This is when we have to take a step back and reorganize our priorities. If we want to show up big, bright, bold, and sober everyday then we need to treat ourselves with compassion. We need to make ourselves a priority.

How do we do this? 
Well… Here our a few basic tips to get your started. 

1) Are you getting enough sleep? 
Try to get 7-9 hours. This is tough for me to be honest because for years I’ve never been a great sleeper. As I get older I realize the more and more I need my sleep. 

2) How are you fueling your body? 
Pay attention to what you’re eating. How much you’re eating and try and eat as much organic as possible. Cut back on the sugar and caffeine because this causes a lot of inflammation in the body. 

3) Are you taking time to meditate? 
I know... This might be a tough one… but let go of any expectations of what you think meditation should look and feel like. Explore different types of meditation. Start with 5 minutes a day and work your way up.

4) Are you moving your body? 
Yoga, walking, the gym, at home fitness programs, etc. Do something to move your body every single day. This will not only make you feel better, but will completely shift your mindset. Plus, this will also help with your sleep and being more mindful how you fuel your body. 

5) Are you hydrating? 
Try drinking a gallon of water each day. Yes… you will pee more, but that’s a good thing!! LOL! 

6) Mindset is EVERYTHING!! 
Pay attention to your thoughts! Try using affirmations and mantras to shift the negative thought patterns into positive ones. A positive mindset will keep you feeling happier and healthier. Stress is the number one root causes of disease in the body in this country. 

Remember… It’s about taking care of you first.
Prioritize your sobriety. 
Acknowledge your higher power.
Let go of any expectations of what you think recovery should look like. It's messy and it's hard, but it's so fucking worth it. 
Don’t ever judge yourself. Be proud of yourself. 
Don’t be afraid to ask for help! If you need it then ask for it. This is so important and I can’t stress it enough! 
Your community is there to lift you up. 

I hope you’re enjoying this beautiful day! Until next time…

Live Free in Recovery


Sheri Matthews


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