Left Nostril Breathing for Relaxation

Left Nostril Breathing for Relaxation
Sometimes we just need to Chill the Fuck Out! 
This is what I love about Pranayama or breath work.
Left nostril breathing especially.
Left nostril breathing clams the body and the mind. 

Left nostril breathing activates the Ida Nerve Ending in the left nostril, which relates to calmness and relaxation.

Choosing to Breathe

Choosing to Breathe
Breathing is the essence of life!

It’s also the essence of yoga. 
Breathe is our life force.
As long as we are breathing, we are alive.

We go through life with very shallow breath and we don’t even acknowledge it.

When we are depressed, stressed or anxious our breath is uneven and choppy.
When we are tense, we hold our breath. 
If we feel scared, we might gasp for breath. 

On the other hand, when we feel calm and relaxed the breath will become slow and even. 
I understand the struggle when it comes to this.
Addiction and anxiety always made my breath erratic. 

We all live very busy lives and get stuck in the daily grind or the hustle and bustle of life.
It’s challenging and exhausting at the same time to find any balance. 

As you learn to breathe slowly and deeply you will calm the mind, as well as the emotions that might be triggering you that day. 
Then with a calm and clear mind you have the tools to face any situation head on. 

If your like most people you probably don’t pay attention to the breath.
That’s ok! It’s completely normal.

Say YES to New Things

Say YES to New Things
Are you saying YES to the things that light you up? Or, are you playing it safe and sticking to your same ol’ routine day in and day out? 
Say YES to new things and shake your routine up a bit. By stepping out of your comfort zone and pushing yourself, you open up to endless possibilities. Don’t let fear stand in your way and don’t focus on the outcome. I can tell you right now that things don’t always turn out as planned and that’s ok. It’s better to try and not succeed the to never try at all. This is how we learn and grow. By doing. Not sitting on the sidelines watching everyone else get what we/they want. 

We create a fear based story in our mind that holds us back. We imagine things will be scarier than they truly are. We fret about the unknown to come and find out it really wasn’t a big deal at all. 

There are many ways you can begin to say YES to yourself. You can shake up your routine, try something new, or do something that even scares you. 

Essential Oil DIY - Car Diffuser

Essential Oil DIY - Car Diffuser
Don’t you love DIY? I do! I’m always looking for fun and inexpensive ways to create new things that actually serve an awesome purpose. So… Why not have some fun and make it yourself. Essential Oils have been a huge part of my life over the past few years. I’m fascinated by the multiple uses they really do have. 

Start Your Morning off Right

Start Your Morning off Right
Are you a hair on fire, running late, crazy ass morning person? LOL!

Or, do you give yourself enough time to enjoy your mornings?
Meaning… You get to enjoy that cup of coffee, some quiet time, and some nice tunes as you plan for your day accordingly.

I used to dread the mornings. Probably because I always stayed out way too late, never felt rested, chronically hungover, and always felt like I had nothing to wake up for.

Over the years those feelings and emotions have definitely shifted.
Now, I cherish my mornings.
I’ve created my own rituals.
I can’t wait to get up and start my day. 
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