Looking to meet new people in early sobriety? I know, it sounds weird and uncomfortable. I get it, but it doesn’t half to be. And once you start to surround yourself with like minded people on the same journey as you, you’ll see life is actually a lot of fun without drugs or alcohol.
I can tell you that you won't miss the disgusting hangovers, wondering if you made a fool of yourself, did you pay your tab, how did you get home, where's your car, your phone, your wallet, or wait for it..... the good ol' blackout. Can you feel me?
Read more...If you want to love your body and enjoy life, you need to become aware of the thoughts that creep into your mind. We have this wonderful thing called the Ego… and it has no problem popping up when it wants to.
In the past I never understood why I treated myself the way I did.
I would often sit and think:
Why can’t I love the body that I’m in?
Why am I not satisfied with the things in my life?
Why can’t I let go of fear?
Why can’t I choose Love over Fear?
Why don’t I ever feel at peace?
Why am I not satisfied with the things in my life?
Why can’t I let go of fear?
Why can’t I choose Love over Fear?
Why don’t I ever feel at peace?
Why do I abuse my body with drugs & alcohol?
Read more...Manifesting is magical! It’s all about believing, feeling and trusting the Universe. This didn’t come easy to me a first. Honestly… It’s still not always easy. I believe in the power of prayer. I have faith. I trust the Universe is always working in our favor if we allow it to. When I just let go of any expectations, take time to feel, trust the process then the magic starts to happen.
It’s about feeling everything and forcing nothing. Allow things to unfold and happen organically. If you still feel skeptical, then I challenge you to implement the following 10 Ways for the next 30 days to see the true power of manifestation.
Start off with a small goal to manifest and practice the following 10 tips DAILY. Try to be consistent and not skip a day.
Do you just want to simplify your life?
Especially in Recovery?
I get it!
Life is crazy and hectic, and when we are trying to get sober it's even crazier.
We have to make ourselves a priority, but we also have responsibilities to uphold with our families, etc.
Plus, it doesn’t help that as a society today we tend to complicate everything.
Well… what can we do to simplify our lives? Or, just make it a little more exciting. In early sobriety we feel like we are giving up everything, but that couldn't be further from the truth.
Plus, it doesn’t help that as a society today we tend to complicate everything.
Well… what can we do to simplify our lives? Or, just make it a little more exciting. In early sobriety we feel like we are giving up everything, but that couldn't be further from the truth.
That’s what I want to share with you today.
This might seem pretty basic, but that’s just it – We need to stick to some old school basics to stay consistent, have some fun and care for ourselves.
Read more...This might seem pretty basic, but that’s just it – We need to stick to some old school basics to stay consistent, have some fun and care for ourselves.
We have so much going on in early recovery that we can easily get overwhelmed. It can become frustrating because we think even though we are not drinking or using we should feel better right away. That's just not the case. The body is detoxing. Our thoughts and feelings are all over the place. We might be on a certain medication in early recovery. But that doesn't mean we can't do things to up our self-care routine.
Do you ever feel like no matter how well you sleep, how much you exercise or how good you’re eating you still feel sluggish and run down. I'm going to share ten easy ways to increase your energy in early recovery.