Four Simple Ways to Avoid Yoga Injuries

Four Simple Ways to Avoid Yoga Injuries
I’ve heard more times then I can count… I can’t do yoga – I’m not flexible. I can’t touch my toes. I’m too big to do yoga. 
Well, I’m here to call BS on that. Yoga is pretty damn simple to breakdown. If you have a body – YOU can do yoga. 
When I first started practicing yoga over 20 years ago, I only came to yoga because I was dealing with injuries from running. I had horrible flexibility, tight hamstrings, shin splints and couldn’t balance to save my life.

6 Yoga Tips for Beginners

6 Yoga Tips for Beginners
New to Yoga? These 6 Tips will be sure to guide you in the right direction...

How long has yoga been on your mind, but don't know where to start? 
Does the thought of it excite you, but make you nervous at the same time?
Trust me, I completely understand.
It’s easy to get overwhelmed by what we see on magazines or even on TV.
We think we have to be loose or flexible to even get started with a yoga practice.
I’m here to tell you today… That’s just not the case.


Sweet Side Effects of Yoga

Sweet Side Effects of Yoga
Yoga is way more than a physical practice.
Sure, the physical part is amazing, but it’s everything we learn along the way that’s so life changing.
I know for so many of us we always want to know… “What’s in it for me?” 
That's ok!
We live in a world where everyone is looking for the next quick fix, the next fad, whatever, and we’re never thinking long term.
Always short term.
This is the beauty of Yoga.

Say YES to New Things

Say YES to New Things
Are you saying YES to the things that light you up? Or, are you playing it safe and sticking to your same ol’ routine day in and day out? 
Say YES to new things and shake your routine up a bit. By stepping out of your comfort zone and pushing yourself, you open up to endless possibilities. Don’t let fear stand in your way and don’t focus on the outcome. I can tell you right now that things don’t always turn out as planned and that’s ok. It’s better to try and not succeed the to never try at all. This is how we learn and grow. By doing. Not sitting on the sidelines watching everyone else get what we/they want. 

We create a fear based story in our mind that holds us back. We imagine things will be scarier than they truly are. We fret about the unknown to come and find out it really wasn’t a big deal at all. 

There are many ways you can begin to say YES to yourself. You can shake up your routine, try something new, or do something that even scares you. 

Essential Oil DIY - Car Diffuser

Essential Oil DIY - Car Diffuser
Don’t you love DIY? I do! I’m always looking for fun and inexpensive ways to create new things that actually serve an awesome purpose. So… Why not have some fun and make it yourself. Essential Oils have been a huge part of my life over the past few years. I’m fascinated by the multiple uses they really do have. 
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