Self Acceptance in Recovery

Self Acceptance in Recovery
Can you look in the mirror at yourself and say…
I Love You!
And mean it?
I fucking love you!

Have you ever tried it?
If so… What did it feel like?
Did it feel weird? 
Did it feel authentic?

If not, what felt off about it?
Did you feel embarrassed?
Did you lack confidence?
Did it not feel authentic? 

Instead of saying to yourself…
I won't stay sober. 
I need to lose 20 pounds.
I wish I was prettier.
Nobody cares about me.
I'm not lovable. 
I'll never be successful. 

5 Things that Transformed My Life in Recovery

5 Things that Transformed My Life in Recovery
I’ve experienced many ups and downs in my life & with my health. From cancer five times, multiple surgeries, food addiction, alcohol and drug addiction, and depression and anxiety. Even through all of this there are Five Simple Steps I always come back to that have helped Transform my Life. It's helped me heal and treat my body with love and compassion. Our wellness can be confusing or even complicated at times, but when we get down to the nitty-gritty, it doesn’t have to be. The basic principles are pretty simple. 

6 Tips for Compassion in Recovery

6 Tips for Compassion in Recovery
Are you one of these people that’s always showing up and doing things for everyone else, but not taking care of yourself?
Trust me… You’re not alone. It’s easy to get caught up in the daily rat race of life and serving others that we forgot about our own self care. 
This is not safe to do in early sobriety. When we are just getting sober we have to make our sobriety number one. This can't be treated like a part time job. 

I spent so many years always worrying about everyone else that everything in my life started to suffer. The first time I tried to get sober I did the same thing. 
It got to a point I didn’t have anything left to give. The tank was empty!
Actually, I did this multiple times. I didn't make my recovery number one - so it caused me to relapse. I'm not saying everyone will relapse, but there's a good chance you will. 
Sobriety is full time. We are unpacking and peeling back years of trauma, bad behavior, poor choices, etc. that it takes everything we have to stay present and on track. Even with a strong community, it's still our own responsibly to create our healthy boundaries. Healthy boundaries lead to treating ourselves with compassion.

Mantras for Loving Your Body

Mantras for Loving Your Body
If you want to love your body and enjoy life, you need to become aware of the thoughts that creep into your mind. We have this wonderful thing called the Ego… and it has no problem popping up when it wants to.
In the past I never understood why I treated myself the way I did. 
I would often sit and think:
Why can’t I love the body that I’m in?
Why am I not satisfied with the things in my life?
Why can’t I let go of fear?
Why can’t I choose Love over Fear?
Why don’t I ever feel at peace?
Why do I abuse my body with drugs & alcohol?

Bring on the Zen Baby

Bring on the Zen Baby
We all deal with the day to day struggles in life.
That’s just it… It’s life. 
The highs and lows. The good and bad.
It's going to happen to us no matter what and I look at that as a gift. We woke up today. We are breathing. We are alive. We are working on recovery. That's a blessing!
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